Monday, March 28, 2005

The Skype Bug

We were hit by Skype bug the last few days. And I was kept busy attending to those 'lost souls' longing to get hitch by the latest wave of VIOP technology. The actual fact is that I was introduced to Skype by the collegue here. Noticing how she keep chatting away at any given breaks oblivious to the deppressive surrounding, I enquired about this latest fad. Having registered and familiarised myself with the concept on the spare pc, I went an extra step by boldly 'investing' in the 10EURO credit to avail myself for the VOIP to copperlines experience. Despite the 3 seconds delay (which seemed like laughingly forever) a small price for a piece of virgin technology, I demonstrated the possibility to a few others. Before I knew it I am now 'the Skype guy' around here. Now the rate of Skype credit acquisition by my fellow comrades should put any entry level Zhulian wannabes to shame, the office has transformed into a full pledge ATCs (Air Traffic Control Station) with everybody donning the latest stereo headmic gear chatting away to the loves ones back home far far away. As for me, stuck with a 'loaned' dinosaur P3 Win98 Compaq, I can't help but wish for my time to don the ATC gears whenever an extra pc is available. Mind you I still have 8.47EURO to left to spend.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Another 'weekend' passes by

As usual, I woke up later than usual, nearly 6am. Was thinking of doing a Nasi Lemak breakfast but to my dismay, we ran out of rice. So instead we chowed in ground beef in thick soup. We still had the loaf leftovers. Then we hit the beach, which is about 300 meters. Actually it is a lagoon with a patch of wavebreaker at the mouth that makes the water calm.
The rest of the regular football buddies came trickling down, and 'Errold Flint' were seen dsahing back from his short jogs along the lagoon with a small plastic chair washed ashore. At least now we have a 'sin bin' at the backof the goalmouth. This time around the Newcomers matched the Oldtimers. What with a 'retired' Maradona 'lookalike' ran rampage, the match was nearly a 'Frenc Puskas' massacre.
The rest of the day were dull, but surprises came late in the evening with a rare drizzle. How I miss the 'uncertain' weather back home.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

I can't see em too

Dang..... it is a hassle to download and reinstall every single program details on a new (slower machine, unfortunately!!). I thought I had everything covered, and even Bloggerbot acknowledged the connection has succeeded but somewhere in the cyberland, the intended photo failed to appear. I guess Hello has translation argument with BLoggerbot and I got in the middle of their argument. Or maybe the real cause is the old machine I am currently 'borrowing'. Either way, the Burj can't even be seen in the photo if I didn't point it out to you guys. Better luck next time.
to "eddie", hows the armpit back home?

Can you all see The Burj Al Arab in the background? Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 12, 2005

What Weekend?

I am in semi confused state of differentiating what and when is the weekend here really mean. Because for the last two 'weekends' here I am having a horrific time management crisis. Really due to the traveling arrangement we are facing where the only real 'time off' we are having are from 9pm to 5am. Therefore we have to complete the 'after hours' daily chores within that time frame and it includes the much needed sleeping. 3 hours daily were spent on the road (who says we are having such a good time here!) and to get by during the day will cost us dearly. However we are lucky to have Carrefour and IKEA technically at our doorsteps. But then again what can you do in such a big shopping mall when only given 30 minutes to spent?
Am I griping already? Well, the living arrangement are shaping up nicely due to our incessant nagging (but a relatively mild one and rightly so). I am volunteering to help out with the new arrivals living arrangement an logistics in order for them not having to endure what we were facing.
We had our first taste of Dubai outdoor activities (besides shopping obviously) in the morning Friday. By 8:30, beach football in the desert sun has become unbearable for most of us by the seaside, nobody dared to test the water yet and by my last count the Newcomers were beaten by the Oldtimers 2 to 4. (Well to be fair, we were still having jetlags).
That was our weekend for now.
Need to spruce up my haggling in Arabic at the wet market. We were virtually slaughtered for that piece of fish.

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Almost a week passes by

I am getting used to the daily grind here. Not much different from day to day only thats it feels longer each passing days, and this is only a week! Automatically I would wake up around 4:30am, mind you its already 8:30am back home (my internal clock still in semi confused state) So since yesterday we had the luxury of a new TV, turn it on and watches CNN since it is the only channel I could understand (accept for the Star Academia shows which reminds me of Akademi Fantasia). Normally I would turn on the heater for the showers. Come 5:00am I hit the showers and then waited for the Suboh prayer at around 5:30am. Normally one more of my housemate would join me. Then the grind will gradually starts. Waiting for the chartered bus to pick us up at 6:30am and hit the jam packed road to reach the office by 7:30am.
In the office, half of us would still not in because they are living at different parts of the city, being the pioneer staff. So here I am writing for the blog at one of the empty terminals. Until the 'real' work began, my daily routine will be reading documents, taking notes, re-reading the documents and re-taking another notes. I would probably hit the pc during lunch time to catch up on home news and then again at 5:30pm when half of the office packed up to leave. The chartered bus home will only pick us up around 6:30pm and again via the jam packed highway for the last 7km home. By then we were all bushed up and just prepare a fast microwave reheatable foods before retiring by 9pm. Well alternate nights we do have gym and swimming pool sessions which I desparately need to take advantage of (wink wink on the belly)
Till then... the 'real' work has not began....
Guess I hit IKEA across the road.

Thursday, March 3, 2005

First entry from Dubai

Hello everybody, its is really cold here in Dubai City, my new working place. Today is my first day reporting at the office, after being like a headless chicken for the last 2 days. Anyway I have to be short cos of sharing the pc. In general, the life hoere is very slow, (but the drivers are not). I am adjusting to life slowly, still groping for basic necessity such as where to eat cheaply, yes it is vey mahal here.
Ok for now....

Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Last Blog from Malaysia

This will be my last blog writing from my home pc in Malaysia. Depending on the basic cyberspace availability at my new abode and new surrounding, I might take more than 2 weeks for next blog entry. My flight is confirmed at 21:45 on SQ and transit at Changi for the next direct to Dubai at 23:25
... all my bags are packed and I'm ready to go......
reminds me of the scene in the movie Armageddon before the schedule space shuttle blast to the wayward comet.
Luckily for me yesterday I managed to catch the conclusion of the Korean miniseries Jewel of the Palace (Da JangGeum). Not forgetting Lord of the Rings final trilogy, Return of the King on Sunday.
Here goes nothing...
Frank Gehry (Guggenheim Museum NY and Bilbao) was born on 28th February. Mine too.