Saturday, June 30, 2018

First Harvest from Fish tank Aquaponics

My first green leaf harvest from aquaponics
4 stalks of Green Stem Choy Sum (Sawi Hijau)

About six weeks (initial growth problem due to tweaking my ebb and dry growbed)

Good root systems after successful ebb n dry system established. Fully organic from tilapia fish tank water, with few sprinkles of EM dilutions spray once a week.

My 6 weeks old Tilapia fingerlings in 25 gal water (50 gal drum) - remaining 80 from initial 100 (no more dead fish last 3 weeks)

Growbed waiting for new batch of greens - next are lettuces.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Growbed Adjustment

I made an adjustment to the growbed method by putting the leca hydroton  into individual pots. The ebb and flow systems rely on a good flow of water for the bell siphon to work properly. I found out that my current growbed setup water flow became sluggish due to the clogged residue as my fingerlings becomes bigger. The leca hydroton traps suspended solids in the water and eventually disrupt the flow to the siphon bell.
Since I didn't connect the swirl filter to the systems, my only effective filter is the sponge filter which needs to be thrown away regularly at least every 3 days since my 100 fingerlings started to eat more.

 The only setback is there are only several pots spaces available (11) but now the water flow is much better and the siphon works in excellent condition. The fingerlings seemed to be waiting in anticipation of the siphon flow to drain away water back into the barrel drum for them to swim merrily against the surges.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Tale of 2 Aquaponics

Aquaponics NFT set by my son in front of the house
The plants looked healthy and flourishing.
Its an 'off the shelf' closed systems from CityFarm with instruction manual.

 Aquaponics Ebb & Dry with Tilapia Fish - DIY myself at the backlane of the house
My plants growth are 50% successful, not as fast growing as the NFT (for now - due to me tinkering with the systems from time to time). 1st month fish mortality rate at 7% (7 dead fingerlings so far)