Bulan Puasa
So today is the first day of Ramadhan, the fasting month. Time to let the natural tummy trim phenomenon to take its effect. But then how to, when there are lotsa buka puasa invitation to fulfilled. I guess this year I will limit myself to once a week appointment. Including my yearly gathering of ex-colleagues. This gathering has been going on for the last 6 years every Ramadhan. From a group of 8 office mates to last years gathering of 16 mates, 8 of whom (including myself) were former office mates, and 4 of them are non-Muslims!. This year, I knew of the exs will be 10 since 2 more left the company since then. I guess these are my friends (for now) besides my other circle of ex-school friends that still are keeping in touch. Wonder who are my newer friends at the gathering will be.?
I received a call from my little sister in Japan last night. It seemed that she will also commence fasting on Friday. Wonder where they go to see the anak bulan(he he he). Anyway, this is her first time fasting and to celebrate raya away from Malaysia. I guess it is harder on her compared to my time in the States. Not only Muslims in Japan almost non-existence, but also there are no adult Muslims anywhere near her place. She is going off to Okinawa for a 5 days school trip. Looking at the world map - Okinawa Island is halfway between Japan and Philippines - now that is long way off. Shoot, I love to be in her shoes right now. Come to think about it, its equivalent to a Malaysian high school (let say St John's Institution for an unknown reason?) trip to East Timor ie Timor Leste.
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