Friday, October 29, 2004

Blast from Past

I had a blast yesterday with my ol' buddies on our 10th buka puasa reunion of ex-collegues. Only 8 of us made it. The place was cosy and simple nut the biggest surprise was it is opened just for us yesterday. (the owner told us the restaurant buka puasa only available during weekends) Thank to one of us who helped design the interior, therefore we were permitted to hold the gathering there. The restaurant main theme and presentation is Sarawakian - therefore I managed to taste the terubuk asin, sambal serawak, umai, urap and kari melayu. The dessert main piece was this pizza-like meshed dates(kurma) topped with baked oats(quaker oats). It was one of the best since the first one in 1995. Partly because the group was smaller therefore everybody had the chance to speak. We touched on various topics, life, work, a sprinkle of politics (you wouldn't believe how different politically we are on certain issues) and mostly on future outlook. In this small group I truly feel a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. Kind of an extended family that provide you that 'time-out' moment from pressures of life. On my way home later, as I began to re-assimilate into the real life, there was a feeling of refresh. I need it this time - list of contacts for possible employment.
1995 - MICASA, 1996 - Swiss Garden Pudu, 1997 - MATIC,
1998 - Impiana Hotel, 1999 - Vistana Hotel, 2000 - Grand Season,
2001 - Felda, 2002 - KDE, 2003 - Passage to India, 2004 - Cafe Aroma

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Word of Wisdom

I am finishing my last few days of my life in this company. Yesterday, a few more of my colleague's received the 'boot' orders. Some took it calmly, a few broke down(especially the SYTs) and quite a few went straight home. The hard times has befallen on us. I, for one, still have not been lucky so far. Yesterday I took care of my belongings, packed them in that A4 boxes. I was surprised to see my personal effects that I managed to 'compile' in less that a year. All in all there were 6 boxes full of loose files, documents and manuals (two more I am reserving for my last day, this Friday, just in case I miss out any more small items) and two 3 foot high stack of books (more that half are from my home library - now returning to its shelves at home) much to the chagrin of my wife who had made the shelves spiking clean without books (are bookshelves meant not to take in books?) for this coming Hari Raya.
I still leave my beloved Roget's Thesaurus and Websters Pocket Dictionary on the desk for Friday, just in case I need to fill in this blog then and lost of superlatives. Other than that I am transferring files from my pc onto my 256PenDrive.
Just now, a senior colleague drop by my place. It seemed that he is also in the list. We chatted for better part of the hour and promise to keep in touch. Another lady colleague from another department send me advert clippings of job openings via internal dispatch! (how nice) As I was cleaning up my cubicle wall, hidden behind the large post-it-notes is this piece e-mail attachment....
George Constanza's ...WORD OF WISDOM...
"The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death. What's that, a bonus?!? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you go live in an old age home. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension. Then, when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work forty years until you are young enough to enjoy your retirement. You drink alcohol, you party, and you get ready for High School. You go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little boy, you go back, you spend your last 9 months floating with luxuries like central heating spa. Room service in tap, then you finish off as an orgasm!!! Amen"

Monday, October 25, 2004


My lil sis send her e-mail informing that she is ok. The city she is in is about 150km away from the epicenter of the earthquake the rocked Japan last Saturday. I was frantically searching for bit and pieces of any news from Japan via internet last weekend, cos my mum was hysterically concerned about her. I seemed that mum was in a middle of tele conversation with her that evening when the line was cut off abruptly. Then she heard the news on tv1 (she only watches 'arus perdana' tv, mind you) about the earthquake on Sunday. My sis informed me that the aftershocks are still active 2 days after. I am thankful that her foster parents are doing their best to make her feeling safer.

Friday, October 22, 2004

The Letter

Voluntary Resignation

The above matter refers.

I refer to our conversation in your office on 19th October 2004 of which I eventually concurred that due to the impending company's restructure exercise, my service is now in excess. Upon the advice options, I am hereby tendering my official two (2) months notice of resignation.

I was made to understand that in reciprocity for exercising the option, the management has made some fair allowances to me which includes: that my attendance from now till Dec 31st will be optional, that I will have exclusive (and responsible) usage of the company's assets accorded to me until Dec 2004, and an equitable compensation benefits for a year of service.

I am virtually privileged to have been associated with this esteemed organization and believe that the experiences and camaraderie I've gained during the past year would eventually spur me to a higher achievement in the future.

Thank you


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Writings on the wall

Well, I saw signs of it coming, but didn't expect it to be this early. I was called in to meet the HoD. The moment he asked me to close the door behind me, I already prepared for the worst. Anyway I thanked him for being very casual about it and not making it harder on me. I am about to be terminated from the this organization, less than a year after joining in with full hope. Due to the current construction industry climate, less and less of the project pies to hand around, the organization decided to to exercise, Last in First out policy. I fully understand it, but somehow I guess the whole retrenchment thingy has not been fully absorbed by me yet. How will this effect my family well being until the end of the year. With the house loan still be paid off etc... Hmmm let me take in the whole emotions step by step, go home and get prepared for the berbuka posa, then tonight I'll have to sit down with my other half on the next course of action. Wish me luck.

Malaysian Lampoon: Jalan Riong: J'ACCUSE:

I am defending my rights (whatever there are left in our Malaysian context) to blog freely and responsibly without fear.
Link Malaysian Lampoon: Jalan Riong: J'ACCUSE: The �Jalan Riong� Affair
I might disagree with what you said but will defend your rights to say it.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Bulan Puasa

So today is the first day of Ramadhan, the fasting month. Time to let the natural tummy trim phenomenon to take its effect. But then how to, when there are lotsa buka puasa invitation to fulfilled. I guess this year I will limit myself to once a week appointment. Including my yearly gathering of ex-colleagues. This gathering has been going on for the last 6 years every Ramadhan. From a group of 8 office mates to last years gathering of 16 mates, 8 of whom (including myself) were former office mates, and 4 of them are non-Muslims!. This year, I knew of the exs will be 10 since 2 more left the company since then. I guess these are my friends (for now) besides my other circle of ex-school friends that still are keeping in touch. Wonder who are my newer friends at the gathering will be.?
I received a call from my little sister in Japan last night. It seemed that she will also commence fasting on Friday. Wonder where they go to see the anak bulan(he he he). Anyway, this is her first time fasting and to celebrate raya away from Malaysia. I guess it is harder on her compared to my time in the States. Not only Muslims in Japan almost non-existence, but also there are no adult Muslims anywhere near her place. She is going off to Okinawa for a 5 days school trip. Looking at the world map - Okinawa Island is halfway between Japan and Philippines - now that is long way off. Shoot, I love to be in her shoes right now. Come to think about it, its equivalent to a Malaysian high school (let say St John's Institution for an unknown reason?) trip to East Timor ie Timor Leste.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Holy hosts and racists Europe: Holy hosts and racists
Here is an article that try to put the whole Aragones vs Thierry Henry via Reyes latest 'slip of a toungue' in proper perspective. I am not justifying racism, nor I am a hardcore Gunners (I am an Anfield sleeper fan). Just read and try to visualize in Malaysian context.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Teaching Stint

How is it like to be a teacher? Well, I had my time (2 months exactly) as part time teacher for my former primary school. I taught standard two. The first day I reported for work I got myself acquainted with the teachers in the teachers room. All the male teachers warned me of to look 'baik' instead must look like a lion just out of the cage! But I disagree, paid the small price of minor annoyances of 8 years old much to my horror and the teachers glee. So instead of really teach them the books, I took them into a short journey of my life experiences. I impressed on them my view of the world and encouraged these kids to think instead of regurgitate from the textbook. I admitted I didn't enjoyed it - I lost my voice after the third day. But as days gone by, I could sense a new vigor in these kids eyes. There was this 'naughty' kid who made the loudest noise and never seemed to do his work at all and most days I would punished him by standing on the chair (to the horror of the HM when she walked by! - I didn't know standing on the chair was no longer allowed then though it was a standard punishment during my time.) However, a week before my last days teaching at the school, I had to attend a job interview therefore I took a day off. The next day, this same kid came to my desk and blurted - "Cikgu? Mana engkau pergi semalam? Aku rindu sama cikgu..." The last week of my short teaching career was the most satisfying moment (so far) of my working life. To that kid, who would be 21 by now, wherever you are - Godspeed!

Monday, October 11, 2004

Reminiscing Pak Sako

Back in my school days, I was the Chairman of a Society (elected democratically by fellow students against an handpicked guy by the seniors whom I later appoint as my Vice chairman to save face lah. Trust me no vote buying were involved then). So it happened in that particular year, we managed to invite Pak Sako to give talks to the student body. However, a few weeks before (in Pak Sako's famous Di Simpang-Simpang Jalan column) he rambled about disciplinary problems among secondary schools that made headlines, be there ragging (a lot of it!), smoking, truancy etc. He noted a few schools among the Jalan Tenteram (the road to Kg Congo, now Bandar Tun Razak) and conspicuously my school was noticeably missing. So I took the opportunity during the break to pose him the question on why my school wasn't mentioned in his article, was it because he either didn't know the existence of the school or not worth mentioning.?. He took one look at me, inhaled few puffs of cigarettes (he chain-smoked in the school compound!!!), and with a smile he patted me at the back and went off to continue his talk. Then that was it, until a few weeks later, he mentioned the conversation in his Di Simpang-Simpang Jalan column. I recalled he wrote the reason why my school wasn't mention because it is in his good book. Thank you Pak Sako. Even though he didn't mention explicitly my name nor my school, but deep inside I knew it was for me.
However few 'registered-name' generation down, the school was later branded as the worst disciplined school in Malaysia by then the Education Minister one En. Anwar Ibrahim!
To Sopak, Pochong, Waltzco, SirCome, Urther, Weng, Pub, Bulues and others wherever, and whatever you all are now, thanks for the collective experiences in adolescence.

Friday, October 8, 2004


After nearly 10 months working, I finally received my official Job Description.
What an extensive list .. let see...
Job Summary:
1)....manage relevant engineering descipline and respective consultants.....
2) value engineered where review process...
3)....assist tendering, procurement and contracting....
4)....assist business development... on business procurement strategy
5)....conduct r&d... to familiarised with latest industry technology.
Key Responsibilities:
1)....quality of work...
2)....adequate and approved procedures....adopted to acheive objectives
3)....regular design review....
4)....ensure original design intent....through contract reviews....
5)....project documentation....
6)....monitor and review measurable quality objectives....
7)....provide leadreship to relevant project team....
8)....ensure tendering requirement are met
9)....ensure reporting personnel are adequately trained and armed!!!etc etc
I like responsibility no 9 most... now! where can I get al qaeda contact numbers?
Thanks to sherrina for being the first (one and only...tsk tsk) blogger to comment.

Thursday, October 7, 2004

Tremors of the mind

My sis e-mail me today of the earthquake tremors she experienced last night in Japan. For a 18yrs old kampung girl who has never felt anything similar like it(except the Port Klang blast back in 1981 - oh wait she was not even born yet then. damn!) and living in a completely different culture, language the whole thing is scary. Her foster parents made sure she is safe. She was not hysterical, maybe that indescribable feelings of awe and shocking but at the same time exciting. She's preparing for the Ramadan fasting month, and I am glad that her foster parents were prepared and understands the whole rituals. Funny how when you are in foreign land, the locals seemed accommodating enough to let us feel at home. The sense of mutual respect to each others beliefs is astounding. Wouldn't it be nice when we could from time to time step back and see other people's side, wear other people's shoes in place and take up their perspective just for a few glancing moments? I think I'll start doing it more frequently.

Monday, October 4, 2004

HBTY to Nunui

My eldest had her 13th Birthday last Wednesday. Since she was having her exams that week, we decided not to overdo the occasion. But me being the first born myself, feel the need to show my appreciation of her 'leadership' qualities and becoming an examples to her siblings. So off we went to the nearest Thai Restaurant (the nearby F1 has been replaced by the omnipresent mamak franchise). It is actually a perfect way to instill Fine Dining 101 in a not so refined atmosphere. (Just so that I won't be that embarrassed if any of my offspring decided to behave 'erratically') We managed to go thru the whole rituals, you know, the hot towels, tidbits entree (how to request replenishment), the order of drinks (do not order milo ais) the main course (avoid seasonal price items) and eventually the "check please!". The grade then - come back again next semester! Anyway, she had her part during the weekend, a secret recipe moist chocolate, with the presence of her cousins besides watching AF reunion konsert.

Saturday, October 2, 2004

Teruskan Perjuangan

A piece that I rather not just put a link to.......
MalaysiaKini Oct 1, 04 1:56pm
Tanggal 2 September 2004, kira-kira jam 10.30 pagi, SMS pertama daripada berbelas-belas lagi yang diterima berbunyi: ‘Alhamdulillah! Anwar bebas’. Percaya dengan tidak, sebak, sedih, gembira bercampur baur. Memang diakui semangat reformasi kian luntur kabur hala tujunya. Apatah lagi selepas Barisan Alternatif (BA) tewas teruk dalam pilihanraya lepas. Tetapi SMS ringkas itu seolah-olah kembali menyuntik semangat, meresap seluruh urat saraf, Nostalgia enam tahun lampau menyelinap ke seluruh batang tubuh. Bermula episod pemecatan Anwar, lereng Jalan Setiamurni menjadi bukti betapa kebenaran itu pasti terjawab. Setia kita kepada semangat keadilan sejagat semakin jelas. Malaysia maju bererti Malaysia yang mendukung rakyatnya yang dahagakan kemajuan diagihkan secara adil dan saksama, undang-undangnya tidak memihak, bersatu bukan di bawah nilai Ringgit Malaysia.
Rentetan dari cerita itu, maka bermulalah gelombang kebangkitan rakyat. Dari Bukit Damansara melalui Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Masjid Kampung Baru, Dataran Merdeka, meriah dengan semburan pemedih mata di depan Istana Negara, dihambat lagi di Jalan Kebun, hinggalah ke Cerok Tok Kun, Kemunting dan Sungai Buluh. Sanggup bermandi peluh, adakalanya bermandi darah, berkejaran mengelak belantan dan asakan perit gas pemedih mata (polis) FRU. Majalah, buku, kaset, VCD berlawanan kerajaan berlambak dijual. Kes rampasan pun mula bertimbun. Manakala lamanweb juga bercambah hebat. Mereka bangkit atas kesedaran suci tanpa dibayar sesen pun. Kini segalanya bagai ternoktah, atau sebenarnya baru pun bermula. Dulu, saban malam bersama rakan-rakan berasak sesak memanjat lereng bukit rumah Anwar selepas beliau dipecat tanda simpati.
Kini, ada antara rakan-rakan sudahpun berkahwin dan beranak tiga. Saya juga baru saja berkahwin. Pernah dulu, tiga tahun selepas itu, saya melawati Jalan Setiamurni melepaskan rindu pada Anwar. Lengan sepi. Tetapi pada malam 2 segalanya terpercik kembali, episod enam tahun lampau berulang lagi. Datang bersama isteri tercinta, dan bercerita tentang sejarah lereng bukit ini. Orang terlalu ramai, kami terpaksa balik awal. Keesokan hari, selepas solat Jumaat, diberitahu orang tidak ramai kecuali wartawan. Kami terus ke rumah beliau. Alhamdullilah saya berkesempatan besalaman dengannya dan membisikkan 'Teruskan Dato' Seri'. Ramai juga berbaris menunggu peluang menatap, bersalaman, kalau boleh memelukcium wira rakyat ini. Letih, sedikit susut, namun penuh semangat. Ada perjanjian tawar menawar atau tidak, itu bukan soalnya. Hanya beliau dan Pak Lah saja yang tahu agenda itu. Terpulanglah. Umumnya, Anwar telah bebas, bebas dengan pelbagai spekulasi, kaitan sebab dan musabab. Anwar telah mencetus gelombang kebangkitan rakyat. Suatu ‘aura’ luar biasa yang jarang dimiliki orang lain. Hebat! Kalau Dr Mahathir boleh bina kota Putrajaya dengan kuasanya, tetapi percayalah Dr Mahathir tidak mampu mendatangkan semangat halus rakyat marhain membanjiri Dataran Merdeka tanpa bayaran atau konsert percuma. Ini salah satu daripada kebolehan dan kehebatan Anwar. Satu Malaysia, mungkin seluruh dunia mengakui kehebatan beliau. Rintislah, wajib perjuangan ini mesti diteruskan. Kesan pedih sepanjang tempoh itu masih dirasai. Esak tangis kakak reformis teringial-ngial terbaring di atas jalanan bila ditarik sesuka hati. Pedih mata, parah sepak terajang terut berdunyutan. Andainya Anwar meneruskan perjanjian sumpah perjuangannya enam tahun lampau, mungkin kesakitan ini sedikit reda. Biarlah birat lebam ini tersimpan untuk anak cucu sebagai bukti perjuangan menuntut keadilan, hak dan kebebasan.
Majulah, bersatulah umat Melayu. Bukan di bawah terang lampu korupsi, tetapi di bawah bumbung semangat Melayu jati, ada sopan santunnya, budayanya bertunjangkan Islam. Anwar wajib membuka sejarah baru umat Melayu Malaysia. Sejarah yang akan dinilai suci oleh anak cucu kita. Kebangkitan ini sewajibnya diteruskan dengan apacara sekalipun demi mereka pewaris kita. Supaya mereka tahu, mereka faham dan mengerti bahawa kita sayangkan mereka. Kita bukan penggadai maruah bangsa, kita takkan jual Tanah Melayu ini. Kita mahu Merdeka sekali lagi!
Waghrieh Ekau (Without explicit permission)