Sunday, November 4, 2018
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Lobster Aquaponics
Received my pioneer batch of 10 baby lobsters this morning. All within 75mm - 100mm (3-4 inches).
I am putting them in my now functioning IBC tank.
I had installed a new 20Watts 35L/min 0.024Mpa air pump. 2 lines serving the IBC tank, 1 line the drum barrel tank (for balancing water from the window growbed) and 1 line to the biofilter media sump tank. I have transferred 3 remaining catfishes from the drum barrel to the IBC tank (currently filled 500Liters). The siphon from the IBC growbed is working fine. The growbed has been refilled with China LECA balls mixed with VAM LECA Hydroton to hold them down (90% floating!!)
See them after 3 months
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Modular Aquaponics
Modular Expansion of Fish Tank - Current 50gallon Barrel Drum contains 5 midsize catfish
Monday, August 6, 2018
Local Aquaponics Learning
Attended a day short Sunday Aquaponics Course by ASK Aquaponics at Alam Perdana, Klang
10 of us Aquaponics enthusiasts attended and picked up pointers from those who has been quite successful in installing a DIY systems.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
All Gone
All my fish died this morning.
I am totally devastated. I am to be blame for not taking evasive steps fast enough. I didn't have sufficient testing equipment to test the water to determine the cause of deteriorating water quality.
My IBC still not completed - which I'd planned to transfer the fish into
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
It finally happened
My poor fingerlings.
I hastily replaced new filter and replenish 50% water which at that instance has turned murky green. I guess the combination of sudden new tank water at night might have affected the poor fingerlings. This has been by far the most number of fish losses at 10 in a day. Sadly most that have died seemed to be the female (smaller).
Monday, July 16, 2018
IBC Tote Aquaponic Build Up
Spent an afternoon to build up a new system using used IBC (Industrial Bulk Container)
Friday, July 13, 2018
Ready for Next Phase
With the fingerlings now averaging 50mm (2inch), current 50 gallon drum (actually 25 gallon since its only half filled) is no longer able to hold 70+ 2 month old tilapias.
I am having my time full this weekend to modify the IBC into a workable growbed and new fish tank.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
a little scare
I had a little scary incident during the weekend. My 50 gal barrel drum fish tank turned murky and there were signs the fishes gasping on the water surface. Admittedly, my sponge filters were not replaced for almost 3 weeks. Algae already accumulated along the inlet pipe. Secondly, i was a little bit overfeeding them partially due to the fact of trying to overcompensate from lack of filtration management.
2 more fatality on Saturday ,must be the females because they were almost half the size of other fish (50mm size after 2 months). Time for 50% water change instead of 20%. Having no significant rainfall the past week, i have to make do with house rooftop water tank. Scooped up sludge and clean up the submersible pump, almost choked with slimy grey matters and put up another finer screen lining to the sump gate.
Sponge filters were replaced finally and re jigged the siphon bell (it was choked with algae too) by putting another finer screen lining.
Its time to start looking for the 1000 liter IBC to transfer my teenage age fish. The barrel drum would be too crowded soon for them.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
First Harvest from Fish tank Aquaponics
Monday, June 11, 2018
Growbed Adjustment
I made an adjustment to the growbed method by putting the leca hydroton into individual pots. The ebb and flow systems rely on a good flow of water for the bell siphon to work properly. I found out that my current growbed setup water flow became sluggish due to the clogged residue as my fingerlings becomes bigger. The leca hydroton traps suspended solids in the water and eventually disrupt the flow to the siphon bell.
Since I didn't connect the swirl filter to the systems, my only effective filter is the sponge filter which needs to be thrown away regularly at least every 3 days since my 100 fingerlings started to eat more.
Friday, June 8, 2018
Tale of 2 Aquaponics
My plants growth are 50% successful, not as fast growing as the NFT (for now - due to me tinkering with the systems from time to time). 1st month fish mortality rate at 7% (7 dead fingerlings so far)
Friday, May 18, 2018
100 Tilapia Fingerlings delivered last night to become the new resident of my First Aquaponics setup.
Friday, May 11, 2018
Against All Odds
Setting a World Record & benchmark in reclaiming Democracy
By William de Cruz
10 May 2018, 4:20 pm (Updated 10 May 2018, 4:52 pm)
COMMENT | Malaysians set a world benchmark, a gold standard in how to reclaim democracy against all odds yesterday!
The government coalition that had lorded over a country with various alliances for 61 years threw everything against its Citizens for the 14th General Election - the judiciary, the police, the universities system, the election commission, its very parliament, race and religion.
Gerrymandering and malapportionment saw some federal constituencies with as little as a few thousand voters sit side-by-side with seats that housed more than 150,000 registered voters!!!
The ‘apa lagi Cina mahu’ politics of endless division...
This was a voting population that saw its very government as Adversary.
Yet, like no other country in modern history, millions turned up yesterday and overthrew a murderous, corrupt regime without shedding one drop of blood.
There were no riots, no looting, burning of cars, homes or shops, ugly manifestations of religious or racial bigotry, ignorance or intolerance.
Instead, the people of a multi-racial country that is home to the world's fastest-growing religion, Islam, as well as the two biggest races on the planet, Chinese and Indians, embraced one another to rise above despots, division, discrimination and the albatross of the voting system itself, to UNSEAT a prime minister and coalition that would have sold Malaysia down the drain in return for self-preservation, enrichment and aggrandisement.
The plot twists and ironies that led Malaysia to this historic day could not have been better scripted by the best of Hollywood.
Two men, powerfully galvanising individuals who were each nemesis to the other for nearly two decades - Anwar Ibrahim and Dr Mahathir Mohamad - forged the most unlikely of political alliances.
One remains a Prisoner, the other put him there in shameful circumstances that were played out under the glare of world media spotlights.
The prisoner has shown how the sheer power of Forgiveness can transcend the most painful of pasts. The image of Anwar and Mahathir shaking hands as allies, at one of Anwar's more recent court appearances, is now regarded by many as the turning point for the alliance that is now government-in-waiting.
The jailor and nation-builder declares he has now to FREE Anwar.
The most honourable Lim Kit Siang, Malaysia's longest-standing patriot, a walking symbol of long-standing and unrelenting parliamentary opposition, and the epitome of statesmanship, has carried magnanimity and self-sacrifice to another plane entirely.
Lim has embraced Mahathir, who had also thrown him into jail, and placed his aspirations for Malaysia centre stage for the sake of a pact the likes of which, no other country has ever seen.
And yesterday, out of racism, corruption and bigotry emerged unity, determination and a sense of purpose - to forge a new future, a new hope, a new country for ourselves and our children.
Malaysians have shown a uniqueness that is as palpable as it is inspiring, and we must give ourselves the time and space to be very, very PROUD of what we have achieved today.
We have snatched back Democracy from the jaws of destruction, so Malaysia may be rebuilt all over, with the multi-racial, democratic and egalitarian ideals of its founding fathers and earliest patriots.
We have come from the race riots of May 13, 1969, to the multi-racial juggernaut of May 9, 2018. We fought back without bloodshed or violence!!!
We have returned “Merdeka” - freedom, independence - to our shores. The future is now full of promise, and it's a promise we made to ourselves.
The singular event of May 9 will powerfully resonate forever in our history as a glorious chapter in a people's tenacity.
Yesterday, Malaysians became a beacon to the rest of the world, and delivered a new lesson in non-violent opposition.
The world has not seen such a reversal of fortune as Malaysia's. We are a walking, living legacy.
This is Malaysia, like no other country in the world!!! SALUTE MALAYSIA!!!
post ge14
The following eloquent commentary by William De Cruz sums it best:
Malaysians set a world benchmark, a gold standard in how to reclaim democracy against all odds yesterday.
The government coalition that had lorded over a country with various alliances for 61 years threw everything against its citizens for the 14th general election - the judiciary, the police, the universities system, the election commission, its very parliament, race and religion.
Gerrymandering and malapportionment saw some federal constituencies with as little as a few thousand voters sit side-by-side with seats that housed more than 150,000 registered voters.
This was a voting population that saw its very government as adversary.
Yet, like no other country in modern history, millions turned up yesterday and overthrew a murderous, corrupt regime without shedding one drop of blood.
There were no riots, no looting, burning of cars, homes or shops, ugly manifestations of religious or racial bigotry, ignorance or intolerance.
Instead, the people of a multi-racial country that is home to the world's fastest-growing religion, Islam, as well as the two biggest races on the planet, Chinese and Indians, embraced one another to rise above despots, division, discrimination and the albatross of the voting system itself, to unseat a prime minister and coalition that would have sold Malaysian down the drain in return for self-preservation, enrichment and aggrandisement.
The plot twists and ironies that led Malaysia to this historic day could not have been better scripted by the best of Hollywood.
Two men, powerfully galvanising individuals who were each nemesis to the other for nearly two decades - Anwar Ibrahim and Dr Mahathir Mohamad - forged the most unlikely of political alliances.
One remains a prisoner, the other put him there in shameful circumstances that were played out under the glare of world media spotlights.
The prisoner has shown how the sheer power of forgiveness can transcend the most painful of pasts. The image of Anwar and Mahathir shaking hands as allies, at one of Anwar's more recent court appearances, is now regarded by many as the turning point for the alliance that is now government-in-waiting.
The jailor and nation-builder declares he has now to free Anwar.
The most honourable Lim Kit Siang, Malaysia's longest-standing patriot, a walking symbol of long-standing and unrelenting parliamentary opposition, and the epitome of statesmanship, has carried magnanimity and self-sacrifice to another plane entirely.
Lim has embraced Mahathir, who had also thrown him into jail, and placed his aspirations for Malaysia centre stage for the sake of a pact the likes of which no other country has seen.
And yesterday, out of racism, corruption and bigotry emerged unity, determination and a sense of purpose - to forge a new future, a new hope, a new country for ourselves and our children.
Malaysians have shown a uniqueness that is as palpable as it is inspiring, and we must give ourselves the time and space to be very, very proud of what we have achieved today.
We have snatched back democracy from the jaws of destruction, so Malaysia may be rebuilt all over, with the multi-racial, democratic and egalitarian ideals of its founding fathers and earliest patriots.
We have come from the race riots of May 13, 1969, to the multi-racial juggernaut of May 9, 2018. We fought back without bloodshed or violence.
We have returned “Merdeka” - freedom, independence - to our shores. The future is now full of promise, and it's a promise we made to ourselves.
The singular event of May 9 will powerfully resonate forever in our history as a glorious chapter in a people's tenacity.
Yesterday, Malaysians became a beacon to the rest of the world, and delivered a new lesson in non-violent opposition.
The world has not seen such a reversal of fortune as Malaysia's. We are a walking, living legacy.
This is Malaysia, like no other country in the world.
By WILLIAM DE CRUZ, is former Global Bersih president.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
10th May 2018
Sunday, April 22, 2018
All Systems Go
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Grow Bed trial run
Lesson # 52 - Intake Screen to be of slit type instead of drill holes.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Pump Test and Modification
Average 2-3 minutes ebb n dry cycle.
Next the grow media.