As I walked into the boardroom, 7 pairs of eyes followed my every footsteps. Dang! I was partially nervous that I even kicked the side gypsum wall as I was about to pull the chair by the end of the long table.
The chairman mumbled something about finally having found the right person to be given greater responsibilities (read 'sucker'). My short reply was that I have been performing almost the same level of responsibilities since the start (it was supposed to be a sarcastic remark but I guess they were so engrossed in finding surrogates that they didn't pretty much noticed it)
Further explanations of what an ideal organization chart should be and how to manage bigger staff didn't fuelled me at all. My mind just wandered to my colleagues and subordinates whom in reality has became unmotivated, depressed, clueless and disillusioned with the journey taken and the direction heading.
I was awaken by the sudden silence in the boardroom. 3 pairs of eyes looking directly at me, 2 pairs looking at the lints on the squeaking clean table, and another 2 pairs looking lost at each other. A long pause ( I am sorry, I have to rewind quickly to figure out what was the question) as the 2 pairs of eyes from the original 3 started to find more lints on their area of the table. The only safe phrase I could come up with (no matter what the question might have been) "I will have to sit down with new boss and figure out the details and strategies" (?)
You are excused and hope you will be more motivated now with the new responsibilities.
I guess they won't ever get it at all.