Monday, January 24, 2005
SuperBowl fever
Now the Pats is in for a 3peat. Managed to watch the entire New England vs Pittsburgh game. No matter how much I admire Rothlisberger rookie effort at QBs, it is way short of Tom Bradys cool execution. Reminds me of Joe 'Cool' Montana. Too bad Falcon's Michael Vick fell short to Eagles McNabb. The kids have to sit through the game today (being a holiday!) and the boys did asked the right questions about the game. At least I have gotten more people in Malaysia to understand the game. Hey my wife understands the game so much that I could have a meaningful sparring conversation afterwards. (Thanks to that day, Notre Dame's Raghib 'Rocket' Ismail's famous punt return against Michigan!)
Not that I don't like soccer but I still think American Football is a highly tactical and discipline game minus the controversies and violence. Soccer is subjective and the rules are grey.
Now I am putting my money on NE come February 6.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Where to now?
I am in two minds this past few days. I've already gotten myself into the groove of doing my own thing since middle of December, and beginning to revel in the pace of business life except for the monetary part which is very much distressing and uncertain (for now) and cause sleepless nights. Then I received a welcoming news of a career challenging offer that would require me to be in a distant country for a couple of years. I would lead a team of specialised personnel to undertake a particular projects and tackle some contingensies. That sounds interesting right? The pay is generous and I figure I would come back later to continue the existing business with additional knowledge and preparation. Hows that sounds?
But then I'll be leaving the family behind and won't be able to 'contribute' the role of physically presence father in my children growing up years. That is a though decision. I have a week to decide. Till then.........
I just received a reply from TMNET about the avilablity of Streamyx now in my area. Too bad though cos I am getting ISDN soon instead.
Saturday, January 8, 2005
Jewel In The Palace
I admit, I am hooked to this 8TV imported miniseries. I've been following it since Mid November and the plot gets deeper with no ending in sight yet. I thought the series would end sooner when Pn Han ( I can't understand the language spoken had to rely on the Malay subtitles) won the Palace Kitchen Chief Post, but now she is dead and ChangJin incarcerated. I guess it would only end in February. At first I was interested with the cooking scenes and the Korean traditional food. Then there are the political shuffling and manuevering between the women in the kitchen. Added together the nice setting and the traditional Koren feudal code (which I think PGL didn't truly represent) It is a must see family show. Even Amazing Race 6 has to take a back seat.
GO ChangJin. Go girl.