Thursday, September 30, 2004

Wan & Karam

It has been a while since I last heard from Karam Singh Walia. Who? THE Karam Singh guy that made special reports section of TV3 Buletin Utama a must see program slot. Who would forget that special waving of left hand and spicy 'pepatah' (malay idiomatic expression) much like DSAI budget speech, but has since been one up by Wan Kamarudiin NTV7 of his "Apa Ke Jadah..." expression. Between Wan and Karam, we have two of highly rated 'expose' journo (too bad Mazidol has the potential but wasted so far - no offence my dear 'puting'). Last night Karam produced a piece about stinking 'problem' for houses at Puchong. I totally disagree with that one piece Karam. That dumpsite was there even before LDP was born! The houseowners should have realized that they are buying a property next to a major Klang Valley Dumpsite! With it comes the smell and other grey matters. The State Government or Local Council should have set aside any development plans for the immediate areas until such time deemed suitable for any dwellings to be built. It is baffling that now these 'poor' (more of dumb and desperate to me!) homeowners could get my beloved Karam to highlight the stinking matters? Or some sinister arrangement to close the site and make the incinerator more acceptable? (as for the incinerator, why don't just relocate to Precinct 8 Putrajaya, since they claimed it to be such 'environmental friendly endeavors?)
Goes back to a year ago, when residents of some posh condo in Bukit Kiara objected to the cemetery expansion next door. Again, can't they sees the existence of the cemetery before decided to go and purchase the units then? I was one of the 'potential' buyers then but decided not to have 'the view of future' each time you look out the window for the rest of my life. Guess I snickered a lot when these people put out their true selfish tendencies (aren't we all?) for the whole world to see.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Small Perjuangan

I am not oblivious to the happenings around the country this past week. In fact one of my colleagues jokingly surprised by my being in the office instead of following 'other colleagues' donning the baju melayu and make the presence at the certain PWTC. I told him back 'half jokingly', "What in the world made you think I would do that?" His reply was that I seemed to him to be opinionated on certain things that normally would belong to such groupings. Well, he is entitled to his opinion, and I took that as a compliment. No, I can't bring myself to it. I admitted I came from the maternal lineage full of hardcore party workers. My mother is still in despair that I chose to take sides in 1998 (Heck, she still keep a b&w photo (you know the A7 one with that flower jagged edge) of her and that one successful women minister during an opening of a beau salon - no kidding). My grandmother was a mid ranking bigshot that held the election ports of PJ back in perikatan days (cap kapal layar). I was a branch youth secretary! Yes that's a confession. Somehow I began to feel uneasy whenever this group met to discuss politics. Back stabbing, surat layang, were the norms even for a small branch. A branch leader has the 'authority' to decide who gets a spot for low cost house or a lot of medan selera shop. Heck he got to keep few for himself and sell them off later for profit (I was offered but declined). I couldn't subscribe to that. The higher you go the more 'tainted' you would be. At division level you'd be offered a token share of, not one but some, shadow companies that always gets money rolling development projects - (remember that one fellow who 'hold' a million cash purportedly for election contribution in the area where now the MRR2 fiasco is taking place) And of course as rite of passage to take on second wife. woah that's enticing enough! As faith does it, all this disillusionments, smokes and chalices made my choice seemed clearer when the time came. I made small contribution for the setup of a local BA division (at a price that cost my association with local communities and some so called friends and relatives)

Friday, September 24, 2004

Beta Test

I had a pretty busy week. Now that a whole department shift to my department, the scene on this floor is hyper. We were used to a solitude and an occasional beehives whenever projects are being prepared, now it seemed like everyday is project due day. Even my HoD started to be cranky and left office at 5 sharp. As for me, still grappling with the 'culture shock' of working in a big organization, with so many levels of 'administrative' procedures just to get paper clips, I just carry on doing my best - that is hitting the keyboards sometimes aimlessly but purposely. (did I just coined a new term "purposely aimlessly"?) My colleagues introduced me to a new vector software's that is less intimidating than AutoCad. I've been getting myself familiarized with it, seeing whether is it worth investing. I 'sticked' (copied onto the memory stick) the software and brought it home for another session of beta test - this time with my trusted kid (hey I just get his monitor replaced). I guess we get something out of it for my personal home pergola project. I'll try to input it in this blog.
I was at MALBEX 2004 The Mines for that annual 'walkabout' of the construction industry personnel. This time the fanfare is less but the quality is better that last year's. Met a few of my former colleagues and old time suppliers. They were mostly surprised to learned that I have 'shifted to the other side'. (the term when you sit on the other opposing side of the table in construction meetings) I get better treatment from suppliers whenever they scanned my visitor pass and seeing the name of the organization I am now representing. I get to asked few more questions than I normally would. I guess I didn't shift sides for nothing.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Rummaging Sunday

I was rummaging through my old things for the supposedly store cleanup day (my wife had been 'hinting' about transforming the room into kind of linen room - since when we are operating a hotel?) when I found my old bind notebook cum sketch (before I used the real sketch book for my Arch Degree). In it were some of my poems (sajak jiwang) an indication of my literary leanings (sort of) during my pre US years. I think I 'm gonna compile them and insert it once a while in this blog. My cleanup day ended without much progress (mind you that it was supposed to be my lazy day weekend - the case of me planning without the other half consent!) To make up I put on the apron and conjured up a specialists sardine dinner (minus tomatoes), cauliflower cabbage combo soup sprinkled with anchovies and 5 eggs omelet (telur dadar) with chopped onions. Since we had late breakfast (more like brunch) no lunch, when the dinner was served at 6:30pm, everything on the table was practically gone by 7pm. The leftovers were served to the cats mixed with Friskies. The house shut down by 9pm!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Lazy Sunday

I guess I'll lazy it out this weekend. Why you might asked? I decided to give myself a break for a whole Sunday. I used to have the weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) free for things until this year when my new job requires me to spend half of Saturdays at the office. Although the morning traffic is not that troublesome - I got to visit my favorite nasi lemak shop Tasha at USJ10 foodcourt each Saturday morning and still made it to the office by 8:30am, the realization that not everybody is up for work brings in a tiny sense of deprivation. Well I reasoned by justifying this small sacrifice with the kind of responsibility the job offered me (and the dole too!). No regrets. My previous line of work allow me for a few discretionary 'absence' as long as the jobs gets done, but those kind are hard to come by especially with the current freeze of mega projects. Anyway, time to hone my skills on other things. By the way, I received a call from my former colleague the other day informing his newly opened lightings retail shop. He finally took the plunge head on. Out of admiration I gave him a visit. The shop is impressive (for a 2 months old business) We had lunch and I guess he needs a lot of encouragements (which I gave in abundance - he needed it) Me being myself, gave a few ideas and promised to help him up with his brochure design. (who? Me?) I want him to do well. Perhaps I should learn a thing or two from him too. I guess I did imagine myself being a sole proprietor someday (the one venture I did a few years back doesn't count - okay!). Godspeed!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Dead Goose

I dropped by my parents home after work yesterday (well sort of... had to pay through two toll booths) . One of the geese dropped dead (they had two). Now I had to determine the cause of death (bring me the scaple please...) not with the bird flu thingy we had to be carefull. I asked my dad whether he'd ever bring the goose out for any 'goose fight'. He replied in negative laughingly, in fact that it was a she-goose (sic?). Now the plot thickens! Should I start to check on all the chicks, ducks and even the rabbits around the house (mind you they have the whole lot down there... as a form of protest for not allowing them to 'keep' one of kids company - well thats a different story) or just staright away do the 'culling method'?. I guess I'll come back this weekend and bring reinforcement (my kids?) for the 'culling exercise'. In the end we found out that the probable cause of death might be due to overdose of ant-killer powder my dad keep next to the coops. Anyway, mum managed to get hold of another she-goose from the neighbour's coop for nature's 'reproduction exercise' to run its course. Well the he-goose got himself a new partner within a day! That's what I call efficient chiken-coop management. They don't teach these at UPM or MARDI. I think I have to watch CSI more often. (Scaple please!!!)

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Second Hand

I bought my son a second hand 15" Samsung Monitor to replaced his worn down( and out) that went dead a few weeks ago. Sorry for taking so long to get it replaced son, but you should have taken care of it better. Instead of letting the end cord banging to the wall each time you and your little brother hit the table (not to mentioned those two little sis too) during those crazy Mario races. At least your room had its share of quietness for a couple of weeks. Actually I had to get the replacement done sooner cos they have started banging my XP.
Why second hand you all might asked. Why not? Its cheap and came directly from Japan (as told by the shop assistant) I got to choose from the rack, had it tested then delivered to the car 3 storey above. Besides, I got it bundled with 256mb USB stick drive and a headphone. Its a steal and I don't have to explain too much to the wife. (she keeps the account mind you) Funny how much favor you could squeezed from the kids the moment they knew the about the replacement monitor. Suffice to say, besides a good leg massage from little fingers, they promise not to touch my XP and the wife need not do dishes for a week. Life is a bliss!

Monday, September 13, 2004

Times Roman

I was monitoring the development of the CBS documents that 'purportedly' contains certain confidential memos of Bush jr services in TANG (Texas Air National Guards). Instead I was sucked into the History of IBM selectrics, Times typefaces, innerworkings of a typewriter, etc. Interestingly I relishes these 'misdirections'. I can now spar with somebody over kernings and type spacing, electrical typewriter and heck, I could even understand more about US National Guards and differentiation with (now vanished into thin air) Iraqi Republican Guards.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Weekend Ramblings

Wah.. I am very very much busier this week then ever. The euphoria over the release of DSAI still in the air. Even I got the chance to hint to my lil sis over in Japan about the news (just to make her 'jealous' because we used to spar and spat over the whole episode with my mom on her side).
Baru hari ni legaaa sikit, boleh continue blog... Biasalah kalau kerja yang ada deadline tak menentu nih (keje ape yek.. tungguuuu) Anyway, kat sini kita kira 'minoriti' lah. Jadi kalau nak merasa jadi orang 'minoriti' kat negeri sendiri cari lah korporat-korporat tertentu yang 80% pekerjanya dari kaum tertentu. Bukan racist tapi realiti. Nak tahu budaya kerja dan mendalami 'duduk perkara' yang membolehkan mereka berada dalam braket kehidupan selesa walaupun pada luarannya banyak 'halangan' dan baggage yang perlu dibawa.I'll try to bring up this part of my life as objective as possible and any tinge of 'personal mumblings' is unavoidable. Biasalah tu kan. Actually, I sesungguhnya jealous dgn Datin Dairies yang sungguh articulate tapi pada masa yang sama begitu personal. I guess somewhere inside me is a writer, yang terpendam mungkin masa yang menetukan. I would threat this blog as my introduction to writings, mengasah bakat (kalau ada yang sudi nak tunjuk ajar , ambil galah tolong jolokkan...) Time for me too to get back at my thick green College Literature books.
I am sorry for the 'bilingual' entry, because I think I could express them better this way for now. I guess my train of thought has gone haywire since forced to adopt American thinking back to local thinking and so forth. So that is another bit piece of info about myself. To those who think they know my true identity, feel free to let me know and we could meet up for a short 'discourse'. For now, I'll stick to my Websters Dictionary and Roget's Thesaurus.

Monday, September 6, 2004

Gusti Putri

After much hype I dragged my other half to watch PGL. Truly I enjoyed the movie but honestly (after reading so much about the cost) I could not find compelling justification for the RM15M++ expenditure. I was still sitting while the credits rolled and patrons jostled out from the theatre and although sated but a tinge of unsatisfied feeling for the execution. "Could have been better" while my other half said back to me, "okay le tu". My perfectionist instinct kicked in. Credits to Tiara for the effort though. In comparison I tend to be apologetic when watching Lang Buana (yes... ) but evenly satisfied seeing an effort with limited budget.
The setting for Istana Melaka, built from scratch, does not convey the feeling of grandness, in fact it is empty all the time. (having involved with building of Istana Melawati does put me in quandary) The walls were too brownish fake and the motifs too little. The Gusti's Karaton also lacks character and the common bond brick wall is too glaring to be ignored.
I gave high marks for the dialogs. What surprised me was that I eagerly await patiently and all ears each time Datuk Bendahara (Rahim Razali) opens his mouth to speak. Such deep meanings as if hearing the Jedi Master speaks. The fight scene made me cringed due to its uncharacteristic used of explosion. The place where Hang Tuah 'disgraced' himself by the river banks need to be clear of footmarks before shooting. Again these little things here and there needs attention to make it worthy of International audiences.
I think I want to go and see the film once again (surprise!) just to hear once again Rahim Razali's dialogs.

Friday, September 3, 2004

A Day after V Day

I'm gonna drop by the mosque near his home today. Sure bigger congregation than normal. I want to see the khatib's face and reaction (not to forget what he will churn out for today's sermon). I guess he will be more fired up than before. Later I'll linger around the area and check out the 'carnival' outside. I remember 6 years ago I waited at this place and followed him back to Kg Baru mosque for the Friday prayer which later evolved to a much bigger 'explosive' events. The atmosphere now is a different. The crowd (yesterday) was more 'matured' and 'dignified' unlike the whole gamut of 'haggard' personalities and rowdies that made up the crowd six year ago.
My old 'enemies' (the other side of the 'battle' line) alerted me early yesterday morning (8:30 am) on the impending release. How could these 'scums and cronies' managed to get hold of the 'info' was beyond me. Something to speculate but I don't really care now. As I watched the news, actually I wanted to surf TV3 to see how their coverage like now that the guy is released compared to the news relayed to us six years ago (sans Dang Suria), my kids asked me questions about the whole thing and surprisingly which I can now reply gleefully as opposed to the news six years ago that involved word such as 'liwat' and 'sodomy'. (At such time I could bring myself to even buy Utusan for my kids to read).
I can't describe how my feelings now. The emotions were to great to fathom but I am sure it is a good one.

Thursday, September 2, 2004


What is the true meaning of Independence?

Today, is the day that I think someone who truly deserved one received his. I remembered 'drawing the line' after his ordeal unfolded back in 98. I was literally in the thick of actions, especially since I was at Kg Baru the entire episode. Now, 6 years later, the memories flooded back and a sense of renewed energy sips through me.
And somehow the Merdeka spirit belatedly catches on (albeit 2 days late). To whomever you are... godspeed.